Python Input and Output

In this tutorial, we will learn about the python input and output functions.

Python Input and Output

The input function is used to input the user and store it into variables. Input function can store a string or a numeric value.

The Input function can be defined with the input() function.

Syntax for input:

Name = input(message)

Syntax of output:


As we can see in the above syntax, first, we declare a variable, then assign the input function to that variable, and in between brackets, we add a string as a message which will be print when we run the program. By default, I will store all the given values in a String. If we want to take value in integer, we need to use int() function and float, and we need to use float() function.


X = input()



Let run it one more time and use string as an input.



As you can see, we don’t need to specify any data type in the input function; it will store what every user has given.


X = int(input(“Enter a number:”))


Enter a number: 22

Here we ask the user to enter a number, and then the input function is storing it in a variable as an integer using the int() function.


X = float(input(“Enter a number:”))


Enter a number:2.5

Here we are storing a value into a float.

How the input function works in Python:

  • When the input() function is called at the time of the program’s execution, it will stop the program’s flow until the user has given any input in a string or numerical.
  • The text or message displayed on the output screen to ask a user to enter the input value is optional, i.e., the prompt printed on the screen is optional.
  • Whatever you enter as input, the input function converts it into a string. If you enter an integer value, the still input() function converts it into a string.

Example 3:

X = input(“Enter your name:”)


Enter your name: Python

Example 4:

X = input(“Enter Your Name Here:”)
Y = input(“Enter Your Age Here:”)
print(“Your Name is “ + X + ” and Your Age is “ + Y)


Enter Your Name Here: Python
Enter Your Age Here:24
Your Name is Python, and Your Age is 24

As we can see here, we have used two input functions, and we can use as many as we need.

Operations using the input function

We can also do different operations using operators like Addition, substation, and many more.

Let take an example with the python operator.

Example 5:

X = int(input(“Add a First Number:”))
Y = int(input(“Add a Second Number:”))
print(“Addition of two number is:”, X+Y)


Add a First Number:25
Add a Second Number:25
Addition of two number is: 50

In the same way, we can also create our calculator program using python.


X = int(input(“Add a First Number:”))
Y = int(input(“Add a Second Number:”))
print(“Addition of two number is:”, X+Y)
print(“Subtraction of two number is:”, X-Y)
print(“Multiplication of two number is:”, X*Y)
print(“Division of two number is:”, X/Y)
print(“Modulus of two number is:”, X%Y)
print(“Exponent of two number is:”, X**Y)
print(“Floor Division of two number is:”, X//Y)


Add a First Number:25
Add a Second Number:12
Addition of two number is: 37
Subtraction of two number is: 13
Multiplication of two number is: 300
Division of two number is: 2.0833333333333335
Modulus of two number is: 1
Exponent of two number is: 59604644775390625
Floor Division of two number is: 2

We hope you have learned about what python input output function is.