Python complex() Method – [With Example]

In this tutorial we will learn about the python complex() method and its uses.

Python complex() Method

The complex() method returns a complex number when real and imaginary parts are given and converts a string to a complex number.

The syntax of complex() is:

complex([real[, img]])

Python complex() Method  Parameters

The complex() method takes two parameters:

real – if real is omitted, it will take default as 0. real part.

img – if img is omitted, it will take default as 0. Imaginary part.

If the first parameter is passed as a string to this method, it will be interpreted as a complex number. In this case, it should not pass the second parameter

Let’s check examples of complex() methods.

Example 1: How to use a complex() method is a method.

This method will see how we can create a complex number using the complex() method.

X = complex(4,-1)
X = complex(2)
X = complex()
X = complex(‘4-7j’)

The output will be as follow:


Rules of complex()

As the name suggests by the name, the complex() method returns a complex number.

If the string is passed to this method, which is not a valid complex number, the ValueError exception will be raised.