Learn to Generate QR Code Using Python

In this blog, we will learn how to use QR code using Python and many of its use cases. We will learn how to create a QR code and decode it using Python.

So let’s start learning it step by step.

Introduction to QR Code using Python

QR codes have become ubiquitous in modern life, used in various applications such as marketing, inventory management, and contactless payment systems. These codes are a type of barcode that can be quickly scanned using a smartphone camera to access information or navigate to a website.

QR Code Using Python

Python is a popular programming language for various applications, including generating and reading QR codes. Several libraries available for Python make it easy to generate and read QR codes. These libraries provide a straightforward, customizable way to create and scan QR codes using Python.

One of the significant benefits of using Python for QR code generation and reading is its simplicity and ease of use. Python is a high-level language that is easy to learn, and its syntax is intuitive and readable. Additionally, Python provides many libraries and tools that make it easy to work with QR codes.

The following sections will explore how to generate and read QR codes using Python, including the libraries and tools required, best practices, tips and tricks, and examples. Whether you are a developer or just interested in learning about QR codes, this blog post will provide the knowledge and tools you need to start working with QR codes using Python.

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that contains information in a machine-readable format. It was first invented in Japan in the 1990s to track automotive parts but has since become widely adopted for various applications.

Smartphones, tablets, and other devices with a camera and a QR code reader app can read QR codes. They can store different data types such as text, URLs, contact information, or product information. QR codes can be printed on various surfaces, including billboards, posters, business cards, and product packaging, making them an efficient way to share information and engage with customers.

Install Required Libraries for QR Code in Python

Before generating or reading QR codes using Python, we need to install the necessary libraries. Fortunately, several libraries available for Python make it easy to work with QR codes.

The two most popular libraries for generating QR codes in Python are qrcode and PyQRCode. The qrcode library is a simple and easy-to-use library that can generate QR codes with customizable options. The PyQRCode library is a pure Python library that can generate QR codes without requiring external dependencies.

We can use pip, the Python package installer to install these libraries. First, open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command to install the qrcode library:

pip install qrcode

Next, to install the PyQRCode library, enter the following command:

pip install pyqrcode

The ZBar library is a popular choice for reading QR codes in Python. ZBar is an open-source software suite for reading barcodes from various sources, including image files and video streams. To install the ZBar library, enter the following command:

pip install pyzbar

Once the libraries are installed, we can generate and read QR codes using Python. The following section will explore how to generate QR codes using the qrcode and PyQRCode libraries.

How to make a QR Code Generator using Python?

Let’s develop a Python program that will generate a QR code with Python.

Generating QR codes using Python is a straightforward process that requires only a few lines of code. This section will explore how to generate QR codes using the qrcode and PyQRCode libraries.

Generating QR codes using qrcode

The qrcode library is a simple and easy-to-use library that can generate QR codes with customizable options. Here is an example of how to generate a basic QR code using qrcode:

import qrcode

# Generate QR code
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, box_size=10, border=5)
qr.add_data(“Hello, World!”)

# Save QR code as the image file
img = qr.make_image(fill_color=”black”, back_color=”white”)

In the code above, we first import the qrcode library. Next, we create a QR code object and specify the version, box size, and border. We then add the data we want to encode to the QR code object and call the make() method to generate the QR code. Finally, we save the QR code as an image file.

Generating QR codes using PyQRCode

The PyQRCode library is a pure Python library that can generate QR codes without requiring external dependencies. Here is an example of how to generate a basic QR code using PyQRCode:

import pyqrcode

# Generate QR code
qr = pyqrcode.create(“Hello, World!”)

# Save the QR code as an image file
qr.png(“hello_world_qrcode.png”, scale=6)

In the code above, we first import the PyQRCode library. Next, we create a QR code object and specify the data we want to encode. We then call the png() method to generate the QR code and save it as an image file.

The qrcode and PyQRCode libraries provide additional options for customising the QR code’s appearance and behaviour, such as specifying the error correction level and adding a logo to the QR code. For more information on these options, check out the documentation for each library.

Python QR Code Generator Example to add QR code in Logo

To further demonstrate how to generate QR codes using Python, let’s walk through an example using the qrcode library.

Suppose we generate a QR code for a website URL, including a logo in the center of the QR code. Here is an example of how to generate a QR code with these specifications:

import qrcode

# Generate QR code with logo
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4)

# Add logo to QR code
icon = qrcode.util.Octagon()
qr_icon = qr.make_image(fill_color=”black”, back_color=”white”).copy()
qr_icon.paste(icon.make_image(fill_color=”black”, back_color=”white”).resize((40, 40)), (80, 80))

# Save the QR code as the image file

In the code above, we first import the qrcode library. Next, we create a QR code object and specify the version, error correction level, box size, and border. We then add the website URL we want to encode to the QR code object and call the make() method to generate the QR code.

To add a logo to the QR code, we create a separate QR code object for the logo and add the data we want to encode (in this case, the text “Logo”). We then make the QR code and resize it to fit within the center of the QR code using the paste() method.

Finally, we save the QR code as an image file. Running this code will generate a QR code with the specified website URL and logo in the center.

The following section will explore how to read QR codes using Python.

More Projects:

How to Scan QR Code using Python?

Reading QR codes using Python is just as easy as generating them. This section will explore how to read QR codes using the pyzbar and zbarlight libraries.

Reading QR codes using pyzbar

The pyzbar library is a wrapper for the zbar library, which can read various barcodes, including QR codes. Here is an example of how to read a QR code using pyzbar:

import cv2
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode

# Load image
img = cv2.imread(“qr_code.png”)

# Decode QR code
data = decode(img)[0].data.decode(“utf-8”)

# Print decoded data

In the code above, we first import the cv2 and decode functions from the pyzbar.pyzbar library. We then load the image containing the QR code using the imread() function from cv2.

We pass the image to the decode() function to decode the QR code, which returns a list of Barcode objects. Since we only have one QR code in the image, we access the first element of the list and decode its data using the decode() method. We also specify the encoding format (in this case, utf-8).

Finally, we print the decoded data to the console. Running this code will print the data encoded in the QR code.

Reading QR codes using zbarlight

The zbarlight library is a simple and lightweight library that can read QR codes without requiring external dependencies. Here is an example of how to read a QR code using zbarlight:

import zbarlight

# Load image
with open(“qr_code.png”, “rb”) as image_file:
    image = image_file.read()

# Decode QR code
data = zbarlight.scan_codes(“qrcode”, image)[0].decode(“utf-8”)

# Print decoded data

In the code above, we first import the zbarlight library. We then load the image containing the QR code using the open() function and the rb (read binary) mode.

To decode the QR code, we pass the image data to the scan_codes() function, along with the type of code we want to scan (in this case, qrcode). We access the first element of the list returned by the function and decode its data using the decode() method. We also specify the encoding format (in this case, utf-8).

Finally, we print the decoded data to the console. Running this code will print the data encoded in the QR code.

In the next section, we will explore how to combine QR code generation and reading with GUI using Python Tkinter.

Create a QR Code Generator Using Python and Tkinter

With Python and Tkinter, you can easily create your QR code generator to input data and generate custom QR codes. This tutorial will walk us through the steps to create a QR code generator using Python and Tkinter.

First, install the necessary libraries to create a GUI QR code generator.

pip install tk pillow

Now that we have installed the necessary libraries, we can begin creating the user interface for our QR code generator using Tkinter.

First, we need to import the necessary libraries:


import tkinter as tk
import qrcode
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

Next, we need to create a main window for our application:

root = tk.Tk()
root.title(“QR Code Generator”)

We can also set the size and position of the window:

width = 400
height = 500
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()

x = (screen_width / 2) – (width / 2)
y = (screen_height / 2) – (height / 2)

root.geometry(“%dx%d+%d+%d” % (width, height, x, y))

Next, we can create labels and input fields for the user to enter their data:

label = tk.Label(root, text=”Enter data to encode:”)

data_entry = tk.Entry(root, width=30)

label2 = tk.Label(root, text=”Select the size of the QR code:”)

size_var = tk.StringVar()

size_options = [“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “10”]
size_dropdown = tk.OptionMenu(root, size_var, *size_options)

We can also add a button that the user can click to generate the QR code:

def generate_qr():
    data = data_entry.get()
    size = int(size_var.get())

    qr = qrcode.QRCode(


    img = qr.make_image(fill=”black”, back_color=”white”)

    image = Image.open(“qrcode.png”)
    image = image.resize((250, 250), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)

    qr_label.image = photo

button = tk.Button(root, text=”Generate QR Code”, command=generate_qr)

Finally, we can create a label to display the generated QR code:

qr_label = tk.Label(root)

This creates a simple user interface for our QR code generator, allowing users to input data, select the code size, and generate a QR code. The generated code is then displayed in the application window.

The output will be as follow.

QR code generator user interface with space to enter name, select size option and button with Generate QR code text
QR code generator user interface with space to enter name, select size option, button with Generate QR code text and output

After clicking the button, it will save the image in the same folder.

So as we have a GUI program that is generating the QR code now, we will develop a program that will scan the QR code using Python.

Building a QR Code Scanner using Python and Tkinter

This tutorial will explore scanning and decoding QR codes using Python and the Tkinter library. Our Python program will enable us to extract data from QR codes, such as URLs or contact information. Let’s get started!

Before building our QR code scanner, we need to install some necessary libraries. We will use the pyzbar and Pillow libraries to help with QR code decoding and image processing. We can install these libraries using pip. Open up your terminal or command prompt and enter the following commands:

pip install pyzbar
pip install Pillow

Once we have installed the necessary libraries, we can create our user interface using Tkinter. We will need a label to display the QR code image and a button to initiate scanning. Here’s the code:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import pyzbar.pyzbar as pyzbar

class QRScanner:
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        master.title(“QR Code Scanner”)

        self.label = tk.Label(master)

        self.button = tk.Button(master, text=”Scan”, command=self.scan)

    def scan(self):
        filename = filedialog.askopenfilename()
        img = Image.open(filename)

        decoded_objects = pyzbar.decode(img)
        for obj in decoded_objects:
            print(“Type:”, obj.type)
            print(“Data:”, obj.data.decode(“utf-8”))

        img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
        self.label.image = img

root = tk.Tk()
width = 400
height = 500
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()

x = (screen_width / 2) – (width / 2)
y = (screen_height / 2) – (height / 2)

root.geometry(“%dx%d+%d+%d” % (width, height, x, y))

scanner = QRScanner(root)

First, we import the necessary libraries in the above code and define our QRScanner class. We create a window using Tkinter and add a label and button. When the button is clicked, the scan() method is called. This method opens a file dialog window to allow the user to select a QR code image. Once the image is selected, we use the pyzbar library to decode the QR code data. We then print out the type of data and the decoded data to the console. Finally, we display the QR code image in the label using the Pillow library.

Now that we have written the code for our QR code scanner, let’s test it out. Save the above code in a Python file, for example, qrscanner.py. Open up your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the file is saved. Then enter the following command to run the program:

python qrscanner.py

The program should open a window with a “Scan” button. Click the button and select a QR code image. The decoded data should be printed to the console.

Output Will be as follow:

QR code scanner interface with scan button
QR code with a button of scan

Best Practices for QR Code

While generating and reading QR codes using Python can be straightforward, it is essential to follow some best practices to ensure the best results. Here are some tips to keep in mind when working with QR codes using Python:

  1. Choose a reliable QR code library: While several libraries are available for generating and reading QR codes in Python, it is essential to choose a reliable one that is actively maintained and has good documentation.
  2. Use high-quality images: When generating QR codes, use high-quality images to ensure they are scannable. Similarly, when reading QR codes, ensure the image is clear and focused to avoid errors.
  3. Test with multiple devices: Test your QR codes with multiple devices (such as smartphones or tablets) to ensure compatibility and readability. Different devices may have different camera resolutions and software versions that can affect the QR code scanning process.
  4. Keep it simple: When generating QR codes, keep the data as simple as possible to ensure the code is easily scannable. Avoid adding unnecessary elements, such as logos or images, that can interfere with the QR code’s readability.
  5. Verify the data: Verify the data before generating a QR code to ensure accuracy. This can help prevent errors and ensure that the QR code is scannable.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your QR codes are scannable and easy to read, which can be especially important in marketing or event management applications.

In the next section, we will explore some real-world applications of QR codes using Python.


QR codes are a versatile and powerful tool that Python can quickly generate and read. Best practices like using reliable libraries, testing with multiple devices, and keeping the data simple can make your QR codes more effective. Additionally, tips and tricks like using dynamic codes and adding a call to action can improve user experiences.

However, it’s important to note the limitations of QR codes, such as the need for a device with a camera and their limited data capacity. By keeping these limitations in mind, you can create QR codes that are both scannable and impactful. QR codes can streamline processes and improve user experiences, making them valuable to any project.


What is a QR code, and how can I use Python to generate and read them?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can store a variety of data types, including URLs, contact information, and more. With Python, you can quickly generate and read QR codes using libraries such as qrcode and pyzbar.

How can I use Tkinter to create a user interface for my Python QR code generator?

Tkinter is a popular Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Using Tkinter, you can create a simple and user-friendly interface for your QR code generator that allows users to input data and generate codes with just a few clicks.

Is it possible to scan and decode QR codes using Python?

Yes, several Python libraries are available that allow you to scan and decode QR codes from images or video streams. Pyzbar is a popular library that can be used to decode QR codes, and OpenCV can be used for real-time video decoding.

Are there any best practices to follow when working with QR codes in Python?

Yes, there are several best practices to follow when working with QR codes in Python, such as using reliable libraries, testing with multiple devices, and keeping the data simple. Additionally, using dynamic codes, adding a call to action, and analysing data can help make your QR codes more effective.

What are some limitations of QR codes, and how can I address them when creating codes in Python?

Some limitations of QR codes include the need for a smartphone or other device with a camera and the limited data capacity of the codes themselves. By keeping these limitations in mind and addressing them where possible, such as using smaller code sizes and providing alternative options for those without a compatible device, you can create practical and accessible QR codes in Python.