Python References

Python abs() – abs() method is used to get the absolute value of your input.

Python all() – all() method is used to return True when all the elements in the give iterable are true.

Python any() – any() method is used to return True if any element is present in an iterable.

Python ascii() – ascii() method is used to return a readable version of a string containing a printable representation of an object.

Python bin() – bin() method is used to return the given integer’s binary representation into a string format.

Python bool() – bool() method is used to return the boolean value of a specified given object.

Python bytearray() – bytearray() method is used to return a form of bytearray object, an array of given objects.

Python bytes() – bytes() method converts a given object and returns an immutable byte representation of a given object and data.

Python callable() – callable() method returns True if the specified object is callable.

Python chr() – chr() method in python returns a string character from an integer.

Python classmethod() – classmethod() method returns the class function for the given function.

Python compile() – compile() method in python code objects from the source can be a normal string, a byte string, or an AST object.

Python complex() – complex() method returns a complex number when real and imaginary parts are given and converts a string to a complex number.

Python dir() – dir() function returns a list of valid attributes of the specific object.

Python delattr() – delattr() method will delete the specific attribute from the particular object if that particular object allows it.

Python dict() – The dict() method helps to create a Python dictionary.

Python divmod() – divmod() method takes two numbers and returns a pair of numbers inside a tuple consisting of their quotient and remainder.

Python enumerate() – enumerate() method adds a counter to an iterable and returns its enumerated object.

Python eval() – eval() method helps execute the specified expression; it can execute the legal python statement.

Python exec() – exec() is a built-in python Method that executes the specified python code dynamically. Can be a string or a code object.

Python filter() – filter() method returns an iterator where the items are filtered through a method to test if the item is true or not.

Python float() – float() method returns the floating-point number of a given number or a string; we can also use it for typecasting in python.

Python format() – format() is a built-in python method that returns a formatted representation of the specified value.

Python frozenset() – frozenset() method returns an immutable frozenset object like a regular set object.

Python getattr() – getattr() method is used to access the values of attributes of python objects.

Python globals() – globals() method returns the dictionary of the current global symbol table.

Python hasattr() – hasattr() method returns true if the given attribute is present in the objects.

Python hash() –  hash() method in python will return the hash value of a specified object if it has one.

Python help() – help() method has to call the built-in python help documentation.

Python hex() – hex()  is the built-in python method used to convert an integer number into their corresponding lowercase hexadecimal.

Python id() – id() method in python returns the unique identity number of an object.

Python input() – input() method allows users to take input and store the imputed value in a variable as a string.

Python int() – int() is the built-in method of python, which converts any number or string objects into an integer object.

Python isinstance() – isinstance() method returns True if the specified object is an instance or subclass.

Python issubclass() –  method returns True if the specified object is an instance or subclass.

Python iter() – iter() is a Python built-in method that returns an iterator for the given object.

Python len() – len() method is a built-in Python method that returns the object’s length.

Python list() – list() method is used to create a list along with typecasting of the list.

Python locals() – locals() method returns the dictionary of the current local symbol table.

Python map() – map() method will return a map object of each item in an iterable.

Python max() – max() method will return the item with the largest value.

Python min() – The min() method returns the item with the smallest value or the item with the smallest value in an iterable.

Python memoryview() – the python memoryview() return the memory allocated of given object.