Python hash() Method – [With Examples]

In the tutorial we will learn about the Python hash() method and its uses with examples.

Python hash() Method

What is Python hash() method?

The hash() method in python will return the hash value of a specified object if it has one. It is used to encode the data into an unrecognizable integer value.

It can take an object.

The syntax of the hash() method is


Python hash() method Parameters

hash() method takes only one parameter:

  • object – The object whose hash value has to be returned.

Let’s check some examples of the hash() method in python.

Example 1: How to use the hash() method in python?

# hash for integer unchanged
print(‘Hash for 25 is:’, hash(25))
# hash for decimal
print(‘Hash for 81.43 is:’,hash(81.43))
# hash for string
print(‘Hash for Python is:’, hash(‘Python’))

The output will be as follow:

Hash for 25 is: 25
Hash for 81.43 is: 991512493961904209
Hash for Python is: 1403919086943600213

We can only use the hash() method to return hashed values only for immutable objects. We cannot use a mutable object like a list and dictionary, but we can use a tuple as an immutable object in python.

Example 2: How to use a hash() method with python tuple?

# initializing objects
# tuple are immutable
tuple_val = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# Printing the hash values.
print (“The tuple hash value is: “ + str(hash(tuple_val)))

The output will be as follow:

The tuple hash value is: -5659871693760987716

Let’s see what will happen when we use mutable objects with a hash() method.

Example 3: Mutable object with the hash() method.

# initializing objects
# list are mutable
list_val = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Printing the hash values.
print (“The list hash value is : “ + str(hash(list_val)))


Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 6, in <module>
print (“The list hash value is : “ + str(hash(list_val)))
TypeError: unhashable type: ‘list’</module>

We can see that it has raised an error “unhashable type” because we cannot hash mutable objects.

Rules of hash() method

  • The hash() method will only return the hash value of an object if it has one.
  • The hash() method will only work on immutable objects(integer, string float, tuple)



How do you write a hash in Python?

The python hash function or method can be written using hash() keywords and inside the brackets, we have to add a variable or an object to get the result.

How do you write a hash function?

The hash function in python can be written using hash(), and we and use any variable, object, string or other readable python objects with the hash function.

What does hash() do in Python?

The hash() will return a hashed or encoded value of the given object.

What is syntax of hash in Python?

We can use hash(object name) as the syntax of hash in python.

What does hash do in python?

The hash() method will encode the given object and return the hashed format of that object.

How to use hash in python?

It is very easy to use the python hash() method, we just need to call the hash() method with an object as the parameter.

what is hash function in python?

The hash function is a built-in python function that is used to encode the object in a hashed format.